I love me.
I love my hair. I love my smile. I love my teeth. I love my nose. I love my hands. I love my toes. I love my legs. I love my stomach.
I love my body.
I realized this after just yesterday. My friend John and I were taking my headshots around downtown when we decided to have a little fun beach photo shoot.
Normally, I hate the way I look in a bathing suit. I know that people say I shouldn't, but as a girl growing up in the 21st Century, we all have body issues.
It was looking at this photo below that I realized I love myself. Every part of myself.
I love my hair. I love my smile. I love my teeth. I love my nose. I love my hands. I love my toes. I love my legs. I love my stomach.
I love my body.
I realized this after just yesterday. My friend John and I were taking my headshots around downtown when we decided to have a little fun beach photo shoot.
Normally, I hate the way I look in a bathing suit. I know that people say I shouldn't, but as a girl growing up in the 21st Century, we all have body issues.
It was looking at this photo below that I realized I love myself. Every part of myself.
I looked good standing in front of the ocean. Having fun with different poses, pretending to be like Kate Upton on her next Sports Illustrated shoot.
John would make me pose ridiculously and I felt so weird at first, but every time he ran back over to me to show me the pictures, I couldn't believe I was looking at the same person.
People stopped to look what we were doing, but I didn't care. I was having the time of my life, laughing and feeling silly and jumping around the sand.
I can't stress enough how much I think that it is important that we celebrate our bodies and who we are as people. I don't care if you are a girl or a guy, it doesn't matter. You should love every part of yourself. We can't all look like Taylor Swift and The Rock, but we can look like us. Plus, if these were edited, I probably would look like Kate Upton on the cover of Sports Illustrated!
Just remember, in America, we have unrealistic standards of beauty. In reality, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I want girls to think they are beautiful just the way they are.
This is why I'm challenging the people I know to have your own little photo shoot. Take a picture of yourself feeling good and share it with the world. I have so many beautiful friends that I know wanna get their selfie game on.
I love all of you guys. Now all you need to do is love yourself too.
P.S. Who knew Justin Bieber had such wise words of wisdom????