
I have a little complaint. 

Well, little is an understatement because it is probably up there on my worst pet peeves of the century.

I have an annual pass for Universal and I absolutely love it. With an annual pass, I basically do whatever I want. It's like VIP for a party, except way cooler because you know, it's a theme park and you aren't having to watch drunk dudes whip. 

However, with all the cool superhuman power this annual pass brings me, there is one fatal flaw. There is one "bete noire" to my existence on this earth. And this is the stupid thumbprint lockers. Now, one might think, why Courtney is this so annoying to you? And that is a very good question because from the concept, many would think, "wow this is awesome because now they don't have to have a key for the lockers." The unfortunate truth is that the locker system at Universal is severely flawed when you add in the people who completely lose all brain cells while trying to rent one out. 

For example, one woman and her husband were going to ride Rip Ride Rocket together, but have to put all stuff in a locker according to new rulings from Universal. I, trying to get in and out of the sweaty huddle of people, got behind them to rent out a locker for my family and I (They always send me in because I seem to know how to maneuver all the stupidity floating around me and do it as quickly as possible). The lady and her husband were speaking Spanish and seemed to be highly confused at this mysterious technology before them. Two buttons were all they had to push, and then pick a finger to put on the scanner. However, the lady seemed to forget how to read and started trying to open every single locker in the section. I tried to help, seeing as though this was cutting into my ride time, but the lady couldn't understand me. I ended up grabbing her finger putting it onto the scanner and pointing to her locker. 

Not only that, but later on the same day, I was standing trying to rent a locker for Hulk while two girls were waiting to get their stuff out of a locker. They seemed to think it was a completely brilliant idea to stand in front of the entire locker station with a line of people behind them while they inspected every single item that they pulled out of their locker. It was like they had never seen the stuff that was coming out of it before. They seemed to move in slow motion. Pulling one item out at a time, looking at it intently as though it was going to run away if they didn't stare it down hard enough. I tapped my foot impatiently until I just ended up pushing through them to the scanner. They looked at me like I had just shot the president and stood there for at least 30 seconds staring me down like two beady-eyed hawks. 

I know what you are thinking right now, and it's probably something like this, "Wow, Universal needs to teach people some locker etiquette, right now." And believe me, that is what I was thinking, but no. They offer no informational video on locker etiquette or any nice rules of the locker stations. Nada. Zilch. None. And one would think they would since the locker stations need step-by-step Lego instructions because again, people seem to lose every ounce of education they had while standing in front of them. 



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